Online Hilfe / Online Help


Quickstart in 3 steps

1. Select Source folder

2. Select Target folder

3. Click Start button


How do i...?

Select source folder

Either drag the source folder icon into the field (1) or select the source-folder by clicking  the button (2)

Select target folder

Either drag the target folder icon into the field (3) or select the target folder by clicking the butotn (4)

convert .br5 files directly to .mp3 (experimental)

You need a 3rd party tool. By clicking on the Download link (6) you will be directed to a website where you can download plugin.

Unpack the downloaded archive.

Select the option (5) "Convert .br5 files..." and in the following dialog select the folder where the tool ffmpeg was stored.

Start the conversion

Press button Start (7)

Reset all fields/options

Press button Reset (8)

Unlock the software

Open the registration settings by pressing button Unlock (10) and enter your registration details

Purchase an unlock key

Press button Buy (9). Your internet browser opens. Select a payment method and complete the payment.

What to do when the converted BR5 files only play 7 seconds?

In the past some customers reported that in some rare cases the reconverted audiofiles (from br5) only played the first 7 seconds. This is/was not a failure of BRx converter. In most cases this is because an old backup with br5 files was restored into a new Multimedia system which supports the newer formats (br29, br32 and so on). When importing br5 files into such newer systems the files are converted to the newer format, but are not renamed. BRx converter detects the format according to the file extension. So in such a case it converts such br5 files using the reald br5 format and not the new format. We have a special edition of BRx Converter available which is able to convert such br5 files. There is no publich download available. Please contact us by email and please include information which operating system you are using..


ffmpeg - step for step

First of all, the support of the 3rd party tool ffmpeg is still experimental. Although it has worked for many users in the past, i cannot guarantee that it works for you.


  1. In BRx Converter please press “Download ffmpeg” and download a “static” version of FFMPEG or
    for Windows 64bit
    for Windows 32bit
    for Mac 64bit
    for Linux see the following URL
  2. extract the downloaded zip file and remember the folder to which you´ve extracted it
    To unpack use the integrated function of your operating system
  3. In BRx Converter select the option "use FFMPEG to convert .br5/.br25/.br29/.br32 files to .mp3” and in the upcoming dialog
    on Mac OSX/Linux select the file  ffmpeg  and on Windows ffmepg.exe
    On windows you should find ffmpeg.exe in the BIN folder of the extracted archive. See image below
  4. Now with that option selected, you will see some additional options for bitrate.
    I would recommend that you leave the default selection of 192kB/s.


Btw.: If you ever need to reselect the path to ffmpeg in BRx Converter, then just double click of the “path information” under "use FFMPEG to convert .br5/.br25/.br29/.br32 files to .mp3”

This allows you to reselect the path.